Landlords Tax Services was established over 20 years ago and addresses the needs of landlords of UK properties who live outside of the UK (non-resident landlords), as well as UK based landlords. We conduct business mainly by email and online, so we are paper-, and fuss-free. We offer fixed fee services, so you can relax about tax. Have a look here to read more about us.
We provide the easy, professional way to deal with the UK tax compliance obligations of UK and non-resident landlords.
Tax service for the UK landlord
Tax service for the UK landlord – Landlords Tax Services provide the easy, professional way to deal with the UK tax compliance obligations of UK and non-resident landlords.
Landlords Tax Services was established over 20 years ago and we now have clients in over 50 countries in every continents.
The Company was initially established to address the needs of landlords who live outside the UK by offering a fixed fee UK tax service. Our model is so efficient that not surprisingly many UK landlords have found this system works well for them too. Approximately 80% of our clients are non-resident and about 20% are UK resident.
Communications with H.M. Revenue & Customs (HMRC) are also dealt with electronically making this an (almost) paperless company. Email is not our only method of communicating with our clients — you can get us on the phone too!

Tax service for the UK landlord – Landlords Tax Services provide the easy, professional way to deal with the UK tax compliance obligations of UK and non-resident landlords.
The Landlords Tax Services Team are committed to helping all clients fulfil their UK tax obligations as easily and efficiently as possible.
We provide most of our services (including tax returns) for a fixed fee. We pride ourselves on providing a transparent and straightforward service, keeping all lines of communication clear and easy to follow. We undertake to tell our clients if their needs are likely to incur an extra fee, and we do so before the client is committed.
The response to this business format says that we seem to have got it right. We continue to grow our client list steadily, and we have long client retention, so obviously our clients like what we do. We now have clients in over 50 countries in every continents. Approximately 80% of our clients are non-resident and about 20% are UK resident.
In addition to keeping the tax affairs of our clients right up to date, we have considerable expertise in finding the best solution where a new client has several years’ tax returns outstanding. We make a difficult situation as painless as possible.
Landlords Tax Services abides by the regulations and ethical guide of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).
Contact us to discuss how we can help you file your UK Tax Return
Tax service for the UK landlord